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Being able to monitor cell cultures over time provides a great insight into their physiology and function. Live-cell imaging microscopes open up novel and exciting avenues to study cellular health, viability, colony formation, migration, and cellular responses to external stimuli.

To help life science researchers improve their understanding of cellular processes, CytoSMART Technologies has developed an automated brightfield microscope that can visualize an entire surface of a cell culture vessel and operate from inside a standard CO2-incubator, biological safety cabinet, or on a benchtop. Not limited to a specific type or quantity of culture vessels, the CytoSMART Omni captures cellular behavior by creating high-quality time-lapse videos for days or even weeks at a time.


  • Clonogenic assay
  • Wound healing assay
  • Cell confluence assessment

Technical Specifications

Dimensions (L × W × H) 396 mm × 345 mm × 171 mm
Weight 9 kg
Optics Brightfield with digital phase contrast
Magnification 10× fixed objective
Light source LED
Camera 6.4 MP CMOS
Scan area 99 mm × 131 mm
Exported formats JPG, XLSX & MP4
Well plate types 6 – 384 well plates
Culture flask types Petri dishes, T25 – T225, triple flasks, and HYPERFlasks
Other labware Anything transparent and lower than 55 mm
Operating environment 5 – 40 °C, 20 – 95% humidity
Support Via email and live chat

Key Features

CytoSMART™ Map View: Visualization and Data Analysis of Complete Cell Cultures

Wound Healing Test With CytoSMART OMNI Brightfield Live-Cell Imager

The CytoSMART Omni With Improved Optics

  • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
CytoSMARTCytoSMART is an innovator in kinetic live-cell imaging. Combining compact and fast imaging hardware with powerful image analysis algorithms supported by cloud computing. Automation in time-lapse microscopy and image based cell counting to generate high-quality and robust data.