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Daihan - Chiller MaXircu™ Chi

CE certified, these Chillers are ideal for wide-range reaction systems and evaporators. The digital PID control system allows for superior temperature accuracy.

Available Models

Temp. Range & Stabilty
-20°C ~ +40°C -Range, ±0.2°C (at 15°C) -Stability
Useful for
1~20Lit. Evaporator
Dimensions (mm)

This Chiller is useful for 1~20Lit. Evaporators and possess an embedded external nozzle part to prevent it from getting damaged, as well as a built in Pump Pressure Guage and Compressor Pressure Guage.

Temp. Range & Stabilty
-20°C ~ +40°C -Range, ±0.2°C (at 15°C) -Stability
Useful for
10~30Lit. Evaporator
Dimensions (mm)

This Chiller is useful for 10~30Lit. Evaporators and possess an embedded external nozzle part to prevent it from getting damaged, as well as a built in Pump Pressure Guage and Compressor Pressure Guage.

Temp. Range & Stabilty
-20°C ~ +40°C -Range, ±0.2°C (at 15°C) -Stability
Useful for
20~50Lit. Evaporator
Dimensions (mm)
605 x 975 x 1265

This Chiller is useful for 20~50Lit. Evaporators and possess an embedded external nozzle part to prevent it from getting damaged, as well as a built in Pump Pressure Guage and Compressor Pressure Guage.

  • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
  • Chemical
  • Education & Academics
  • Medical
  • Pharmaceutical
Daihan Scientific“Customer Oriented Total Service” DAIHAN Scientific works tireless in developing the best products and also supplying the best lab test tools and products that are needed at the labs, using excellent product distribution through a system of global cooperation which links about 270 scientific device makers in Korea and overseas.
[Daihan, Chiller, Refrigerator]