The switchSENSE® principle
The principal functional elements of switchSENSE® are DNA nanolevers,
which can be electrically actuated to oscillate at high frequencies.
Turnkey conformational change analysis
heliX® measures conformational changes in real-time by directly comparing the hydrodynamic friction (switching speed) of two molecules on two adjacent sensor spots.
Conformational changes are expressed as %-friction-change, which works for any protein or nucleic acid state in almost any environment. Hence, molecular conformations can be investigated early in the discovery process, without previous knowledge about a sample.
Simply define your initial state and measure change. Anything may serve as a reference, for instance:
heliX | heliX+ | Double-heliX | 4-heliX Bundle | |
No. of chips, auto-exchangeable |
1 | 5 | 10 | 20 |
No. of real-time signals | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
No. of well-plates / wells | 1 / 96 | 1 / 384 | 2 / 768 | 4 / 1536 |
Fluorescence channels | One color | Two Colors | Two Colors | Two Colors |
Sampling rate | 1 datapoint/s | 100 datapoints/s | 100 datapoints/s | 100 datapoints/s |
Temperature | Tconst.= 25°C or 37°C | [1] any constant temperature from 10° to 40°C [2] variable temperature, ramp speed up to 10°C/min |
[1] any constant temperature from 10° to 40°C [2] variable temperature, ramp speed up to 10°C/min |
[1] any constant temperature from 10° to 40°C [2] variable temperature, ramp speed up to 10°C/min |
Measurement modes | [1] Molecular Dynamics [2] Fluor. Proximity Sens. |
[1] Molecular Dynamics (molecular friction) [2] Fluorescence Proximity Sensing (FPS) [3] Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) |
[1] Molecular Dynamics (molecular friction) [2] Fluorescence Proximity Sensing (FPS) [3] Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) |
[1] Molecular Dynamics (molecular friction) [2] Fluorescence Proximity Sensing (FPS) [3] Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) |
Unparalled sensitivity and accuracy for protein sizing
switchSENSE® delivers unrivaled accuracy in the size range between 1 and 25 nm, which is crucial when dealing with proteins and macromolecular complexes. Changes in hydrodynamic diameters as small as 0.1 nm can be resolved.
Low Sample Consumption
5 pmol of protein per measurement, i.e., 1/1000th the amount required for a DLS measurement.
Any environment
High or low salt, high or low viscosity, high or low pH.
“Give me a lever long enough […] and I shall move the world.”
Well put, Archimedes! We designed the Adapter Chip to fit any kind of lever. Short and slender for small proteins, long and rigid for large proteins or protein complexes.