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Unlocking Retail Success: Navigating the Evolving Shopper Landscape in Asia Listen with ReadSpeaker

Unlocking Retail Success: Navigating the Evolving Shopper Landscape in Asia

In today's ever-changing shopping landscape, gaining insight into distinct shopper groups, their behaviors, and their mindsets is crucial for positioning your brand for success.

The shopping scene underwent a significant transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, as online shopping emerged as the new frontier for consumers. Fast forward to today, and people are no longer confined to their homes.

In fact, a remarkable 99% of shoppers in Asia have returned to shopping in physical stores. As Asian consumers adapt and the shopping environment continues to evolve, brands must grasp the nuances of the diverse shopper personas that have emerged to facilitate effective engagement.

Watch this NIQ’s webinar to explore the evolution of the shopping landscape and learn how to capitalize on Shopper Personas to thrive in the Asian market.