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Powering up Forensics Laboratories to Give Laos the Edge in Drugs Control Listen with ReadSpeaker

Drugs prevention is a major concern for many drug enforcers around the world. As Laos has consistently made this a priority for its police department, having modernized forensics laboratories and uninterruptible power supply solutions play a critical role in supporting this cause.

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Laos has taken proactive steps to deal with serious drug offenses and to reduce drug-related activities in the market. Having declared drug prevention as part of its national agenda, the government has also requested local agencies and police personnel to collaborate closely with village authorities to create conditions that encourage people to participate in drug prevention activities.

Powering up Forensics Laboratories to Give Laos the Edge in Drugs Control

We are glad to have worked with DKSH, especially on the friendliness, service level, and professionalism of the team. Our lab users are also happy to have the Agilent GCMS solution installed in our three labs. This helped to improve our laboratories and make us on par with the international standards for forensics labs.

Dr. Sonevisay Chanthabouala, Officer of Drug Inspection and Control, Quartermaster Division 315, Forensic Police Department.