At DKSH, we not only provide you with the perfect solution, we also equip you with the knowledge to operate and get the most out of your instruments. This means that more in-depth training for your laboratory personnel is necessary. To address this need DKSH offers training courses conducted by our qualified application specialist.
Whether you are new or need a refresher course, we have something for everyone
The Zetasizer series measures particle and molecule size from below a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering, and molecular weight using static light scattering. This training course covers particle sizing using dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique.
This is a physical 2-day training course. Our expert will dive into the basic principles of light scattering, share practical tips via a live measurement of customers’ sample and talk about supporting techniques for nanoparticle analysis. Join us to advance your knowledge and analytical skills for optimal productivity of your Zetasizer Instrument.
Zetasizer Advance Lab, Pro and Ultra
The Mastersizer 3000 is the latest generation of the world’s most widespread particle sizing instrument, used by many companies and research institution across a wide range of industries. This industry-leading instrument provides an impressive particle size range from 0.01μm up to 3.5mm using a single optical measurement path. Combined with a new range of wet and dry dispersion accessories, this opens up to more applications than ever before. The Mastersizer 3000 software delivers a modern intuitive interface, streamlined method development and expert advice on your results.
This is a physical 2-day training course. Our expert will dive into the basic principles of laser diffraction, share tips on how to achieve good quality data and how individual parameters affect results. Also see how shape data value adds to your particle size measurements to give you a complete picture, and hence a deeper understanding, of your particulate materials.
Join us to advance your knowledge and analytical skills for optimal productivity of your Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer.
Mastersizer 3000E and Mastersizer 3000
Business Unit Technology
Address: Ban Phonsinouan, Unit 18, New Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane 01000
Phone: +856 21 453 100