Lab analytical testing service


Equipped with excellent technical service competency as well as leading scientific instruments, we deliver tailored solutions, which meet your product and timeline needs without any compromise on testing quality.

With our profound market knowledge, we provide quality products and services to the above industries across Singapore.


Our Service


The determination of particle size distribution is critical step for material characterization. The consequences of improper size analysis include poor product performance, high rejection rates and economic losses

With laser diffraction particle size analysis, we enable rapid, accurate sizing measurements for your wet and dry sample.


Protein analysis on the Zetasizer using Dynamic Light Scattering can reveal a wealth of information ranging from protein size, molecular weight and aggregation point. All of which play an important role in the behavior of proteins in different conditions and systems.


Zeta potential is an indicator of various material performance metrics, including dispersion stability and surficial or interfacial chemistry. Zeta potential is especially important for R&D as an indicator of chemical compatibility in both formulation and application.

We offer a simple test for the combined determination of zeta potential and particle size at the ‘as is’ state of the sample.


Material density is one of the intrinsic material properties used for material characterization. Density is hence often used to test for material purity in quality control, besides it’s used as a research parameter.

We offer prompt and reliable density testing services for a variety of materials.


From nanoparticle sizing to particle size concentration and distribution measurement, our instruments provide complete solutions for nanoparticle analysis. Furthermore, via microscopic imaging of the sample, you can gather more information on your sample than ever before.


Polarimetry is a sensitive, non-destructive technique for measuring the optical activity exhibited by inorganic and organic compounds. A compound is considered to be optically active if linearly polarized light is rotated when passing through it. The amount of optical rotation is determined by the molecular structure and concentration of chiral molecules in the substance.

Polarimetry ensures product quality by measuring the concentration and purity of your substance.


A refractometer characterizes fluids based on their refractive index – the refraction occurs due to the change in the speed of light as it travels through a material of one density to one of different density. Refractive Index is a unique, constant physical characteristic of pure substances. Refractometry is a time-proven analytical method that provides accuracy, sample throughput and requirements for data handling and processing.

Contact us

General inquiry on sample testing

Business Unit Technology

Address: Ban Phonsinouan, Unit 18, New Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane 01000

Phone: +856 21 453 100

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