The HGRS-1J is a compact, economical single-jet tool giving high temp performance without "the extras". This is a great solution for specific applications (thermal test, fiber attach, small die removal) and for labs needing more thermal performance than air heaters can provide.
The HGRS-V is a highly adaptable dual-jet "thermal workbench" with a comprehensive suite of circuit-protective features. It's the ideal solution for those facing a variety of rework tasks involving large die, eutectic attach, double-sided devices or other assemblies with tight thermal constraints.
Compact, economical single-jet version of the HGRS system.
Identify By: The mounted single jet and work-holder distinguish this self-standing unit from “Midas N2 Subsystems” sold to OEMS for installation on automated assembly equipment.
Problem Areas:
In 2010 we designed a more rigid shear system with vertical adjustment, greatly increasing options for accessing difficult-to-reach components. The new systems has a stronger lead-screw and carriage, increased travel, and is coupled to a non-slip chain and sprocket drive.
Identify By: Link chain and sprocket drive on back of machine shows vertically adjustable shear mechanism. N2 flood arms are relocated to upper front corners of sub-cabinet, and light guides bolt to cabinet shelf - so the "Gold Ring" is gone from the sub cabinet face.
Variants: Longer travel D5L8 (8") and D5L12 (12") versions are available.
Problem Areas:
Customer feedback led to two HGRS-V improvements, a more ergonomic position for the operator shear knob, and a lead-screw-driven fine positioner for the work-holder.
Identify By: Right front corner shear knob, right side X-positioner knob, integral sub-cabinet with gold light guide mount, fixed-height shear mechanism. The right side knobs set these machines apart from earlier ones. Transitional units and retrofits to earlier machines are identifiable by a plugged hole in the front center of the cover where the earlier shear drive was located.
Problem Areas: Limited vertical clearance between top of work-holder and shear rod, caused as work-holder stack was raised to provide more heater block clearance for higher temperature preheat operations. Belt-driven shear can slip under heavy load.
The HGRS-IV had limited room for handling large parts- so the HGRS-V was designed with much more clearance. Vertical space between work-holder surface and shear tool is open as far as the shear belt and cabinet supports. This model also was the first supplied with our H5JAJT05 pure tungsten, tight-wound filament heaters.
Identify By: Center front-mounted shear knob, faceplate logo, wide stance cabinet support, integral sub-cabinet with gold light guide mount, fixed-height shear mechanism.
Variants: ou may find a few center knob machines with work-holder X-positioners, added as an option late in the production run or later retrofit.
Problem Areas: Center-mounted shear knob proved unpopular with some operators, belt shear drive can slip on high-shear applications. Earliest models still had ball-bearing horizontal positioners which become gritty and allow nozzle movement. Manual X-movement of work-holder proved crude for working between closely-spaced wire bonds.